May 15, 2009

We Have Squatters On Our Property

One afternoon Haylee was playing on the back porch and spotted this bird's nest in her Papa's Deer Antler's. The last few years birds have tried to put a nest in these very antler's but Richie was vigilant in stopping the building of the nest. Well, this year Richie is in Iraq and I guess this was suppose to be "another" one of "my" jobs while he is gone. Sorry Richie... I guess I didn't keep as vigilant of watch. By the daughter-in-law had to take these pictures because I wasn't quite tall enough. Thanks Amy, but now there's evidence for your father-in-law that I let the squatters mess up his prized Deer Antlers. :)

Haylee discovered our squatters nest.

The eggs.

Momma Bird sitting on the eggs.

The ugly hatchlings.

Well, now they're not so ugly.

The Schuler Family

Established January 2, 1982