February 03, 2009

Oh no, Mom's here, that means work!

Sadie's bed arrived at Michael's work place week before last on a Tuesday. And you know me, I showed up at Daisha's the next night with no tools in hand waiting for Michael to arrive. (He has all the tools and I wasn't sure where Richie's were) Anyway, Michael walks in smiling at Daisha like "I knew your Mom would be here before I got home and I bet she won't let us eat before we get Sadie's Baby Bed put together." Yep, that's me!!! But in my defense, before Michael got there we had Madyson's bed moved to the other side of the room while Daisha's rolling her eyes at me saying "Mom, just wait till Michael gets home, that bed is too heavy" and I had the Baby Bed parts removed from the huge box and perfectly organized ready to start construction. Michael says, "OK, let's get started, where's the instructions?" Um, Uh, Ok...We looked everywhere, it came with NO instructions, none, nada, zilch. So, Daisha gets on the internet to see if she could find something to help us, again, nothing, zilch. A little anger starts to set in because I want to get this bed put together. Michael says, "we can do this without the instructions". Well, thanks to Madyson's help, our foreman of the job, and her knowledge of the proper use of tools we got the bed put together. She did take a few white donut breaks and didn't offer to share even one of them with us and, by the way, Mimi's the one that brought the donuts over to their house. But putting that aside, the bed is done, the mess is cleaned up, tools put away and we are starving. Now, let's order Rib Crib.

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The Schuler Family

Established January 2, 1982